Interpreting dreams is not rocket science. Many would have you to believe that it is, but I am here to tell you today that dream interpretation is much easier than you imagine. This journal includes exercises to enhance dream recall, along with a list of herbs known to support remembering dreams.
This dream journal was created for you to explore your dreams and practice decoding and understanding the messages that come in dream time. The answers to many questions in the waking world are given in the dream world. It is important to develop a relationship with our dream life so that we can use that information to live a healthier and more fulfilling life in the waking world.
This is the printable version of this journal. After you purchase, you can download and print it. This physical version of this book is also availible on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Fsu5D9.
To book a one on one dream reading click here.
Artist Info: Tamara Zenobia is an Alaska born Vocal Alchemist, Healer, Medium & Performance Artist. She brings a unique intuitive artistic philosophy to her work and that is to hone the gift of the intuitive and improvisational artist/healer within each of us. Her process combines the elements of Vocal Alchemy, music, dance movement and visual art to create a very organic way of living and being which supports physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing for all aspects of our lives.
Tamara Zenobia hails from Alaska and is the founder of Butterfly Jazz Intuitive Arts LLC and Inner Guidance Healing Arts Studio & Gallery. She performs her music & storytelling adventures, teaches workshops and classes in Vocal Alchemy, and provides Psychic Consulting services to individuals, businesses and government locally, and internationally.
Website: www.tamarazenobia.com